Tuesday, June 14, 2011

They make me happy.

I am doing something I have never done before. I am listening to a book. I have joined a summer challenge in one of my reading groups on Shelfari.com, and I noticed that listening to a book read to me qualifies as a notch off on the list. Another member asked, so don't think that I asked because I was trying to cheat.

Which is how I feel. Like I am cheating.

Here is the challenge:

1. Read 3 books that are BOTMs from June-August.

2. Read a book that has a summer theme on the title (For example, The Beach by Alex Garland)
3. Read a book that has at least 400 pages.
4. Read a book that starts with the letter of your first name or last name.
5. Read a book that has at least one of the summer colors on the cover: red, yellow, and orange.

So far, I have read a book with at least 400 pages (The Dressmaker) and a book that starts with the letter of my first name (Case Histories). Now I am reading one that will meet the criteria of number 2, a summer theme (The Beach House by Jane Green).

I have until August ends to meet these requirements, and if I do, I will be placed in the running for an Amazon gift card. There is also a Mini-Challenge: Mini Challenge #1:

Read a book that is between 150-250 pages long. Challenge must be completed and reviewed by June 22nd in order to receive an extra entry to raffle at the end of the game.
I'm going to try that one, too.

There are four sections in this book that I am listening to on my computer. I am currently on part three, so I will "finish" it today. Since it's such as passive action, I don't feel that I have read it at all. However, I am not above listing it  to get that Amazon card. ha
I love to read. I love delving into the stories, getting to know the characters and walking with them through the trials and tribulations of their lives. I love the highs and lows, the good writing and the bad. Very little will make me put down a book unfinished, but I been known to do it for real stinkers.

It is disappointing  and distressing that my sons don't share this love with me. They will read voraciously when they are on restriction because there is nothing else to do. No TV, no iPod, no xBox. Only books. Then they will devour a book, reading hundreds of pages in just a few days.

Well, all-in-all, I love books enough for all of us. They just make me happy.

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