Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1 of Jury Duty

The first day of jury duty is over, and I'd like to make a quick report.

You can see from the picture to the right how I feel about the crowd at the courthouse.

There are always the token personalities at these "events".

There is the woman who laughs (loudly) at nothing. If she thinks there is going to be a chuckle-worthy comment, she is rolling in laughter and looking around to make sure everyone sees her.

The woman (in this case) who is coughing up her pleura. I swear that this woman must have tuberculosis. I can't imagine how she is not peeing in her pants during these coughing spells. I know she makes me want to make sure I am nowhere near her.

The couple of women who whisper to one another incessantly. What on earth is going on with these two? Are they best friends who have not seen one another in a year or so? They are discussing everything going on in the courtroom. Just loud enough to make you want to smack their mouths shut.

The person who sits in the front row and turns around to stare at anyone else in the gallery talking to the attorneys or judge. In this case, it's one of the incessant-talkers. She turns to look at everyone speaking. Not just to see who it is, but staring at them, memorizing the talking face. She must have a standing appointment at a chiropractor's office because she cranes her neck and twists her spine something reminiscent of The Exorcist.

The person who raises her hand at each and every question.
  • "Is there anyone in your immediate family who is in law enforcement?"
  • "My ex-brother-in-law by marriage was a law enforcement office in Oregon in 1965, but he died 25 years ago."
Shut up and sit down.

So, it is with great amusement that I look forward to going back to the courthouse tomorrow.

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