Okay, dear readers, let's review Christmas.
First of all, this is a CHRISTIAN holiday. I don't think non-Christians should participate or have the day off. I don't get Yom Kippur off, and Citizen Manischewitz should not get Christmas off. I don't take Eid ul Adha and Citizen Mohammad should not take Christmas. Also off-limits to agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Scientologists, Taoists, hare krisnas, druids, Baha'is, Jainists, Wiccans, Voodooists. That's quite a few people, huh?
The very word Christmas comes from "Christ's Mass". What can be more Christ-centered than that? The entire holiday is about CHRIST. God's son. Savior of mankind. Prince of Peace. King of Kings. If you don't buy into this, you can't come to the party.
No trees, no special menus with once-a-year desserts, no gifts, no caroling, no cards, no televisions specials. You can't do any of it. Sorry.
Maybe over the course of the next year, you can make a resolution to give Jesus a chance to explain his plan for your life and why you should just open the door to your heart to him.
Then the party on December 25th will seem like small potatoes.
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