Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm gonna do what I wanna do...

I seek the advice of others WAY too often. And then I follow it, WAY too often. For example:

Subway tiles with dark grout for definitionI wanted subway tiles on the back splash in my kitchen. "No, that won't look good." "Well, I personally don't like it." "Why don't you just paint it instead?" I did paint it instead. And now subway tiles are everywhere:
It's irritating. But it's my own fault.

I need to trust my instincts and thoughts and ideas.
Black and White Bridesmaids
Another example was the fact that I wanted to have a black and white wedding in 1993. Well, it just wasn't done. The flower "man" (and I use that term loosely) commented when he thought we couldn't hear, "Whoever thought of doing a black and white wedding? Ridiculous." Of course, my bridesmaids wore pink and white dresses.

Several years later, black and white-themed weddings were all the rage. I guess the joke was on the flower man. Well, on me, too, for abandoning what I wanted to do because of what someone else thought.

When we replaced the counter tops in the kitchen, I wanted stainless steel. Stainless steel? No one has stainless steel counter tops. That will make the kitchen look so cold and there will be scratches all over the counter top. It will look terrible. No, let's get something else. Of course, we did. However, the next time the counter top is replaced, it WILL be with stainless. It won't, however, be among the first and setting a trend. Instead, I will appear to be following the crowd.

Well, isn't that what I am doing? Yes, yes it is. And it will stop. Today.

wrapThis year, if I want to wrap my Christmas presents in pink, I will do so. As long as I am wrapping the gifts, I will use what I want. And don't give me your opinion unless I ask for it. Few things are more unwelcome that an unsolicited opinion.

If I want to tear out my upper kitchen cabinets and install open shelves, I am going to do just that. After all, I do the cooking, cleaning and spend more time in the Kitchen than any other person.

I am going to stop asking you what you think and I am just going to do it. If you don't like it, tough. If I don't like it, I have no one to blame but myself and I will change it when and if I want to.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are always a step ahead and above my friend! That's just one of the many things I love about you. (But its a BIG one!)