Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When I was in the 3rd or 4th grade, I had a teacher who made her students use the word "lavatory" instead of restroom or bathroom.

"Are you going to rest?" she would ask.

"Are you going to bathe?" she would ask.

The way we remembered was through our embarrassment at her inane questions.

Instead of thanking her today for my expanded vocabulary, when I think of her I see an arrogant, pushy, pretentious bitch.

Then, when I was in the 6th grade at Huntsville Middle School, I had a man for a math teacher. Now, there were not that many male teachers back in the day and he had the opportunity to make a very favorable impression on me. Instead, he did the opposite.

I misspelled the word "forty" (I spelled it "fourty", which makes sense because of the way "four" is spelled). He held up my paper in class and said that a 6th grader should be whipped for not knowing how to spell forty. "And I don't mean spanked. I mean whipped." Those were his exact words. Son of a bitch.

I am 46 years old and still remember these two asses.

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