Monday, June 6, 2011

The Dressmaker

Just finished this very excellent novel about a woman's life, loss, love and triumphs.

I found the book very easy to read; at over 400 pages, I finished it in two days. The characters were multi-dimensional and full, drawing me in at every turn and making me feel their emotion.

While there were many hardships that the main character endured, they were real-life hardships and not over-the-top crises like you see in Danielle Steel's later works (yuck).

I found a link to a "trailer" on YouTube and became very excited that this may be a movie at some point; however, it was put together by the publisher to entice readers. I guess that back cover summary just doesn't do it for some people. :)

In any event, watch the trailer after you read the book and you will get a good laugh. It's too long, overly dramatic and reeked of a Saturday Night Live skit. I said as much in the comments. As usual, the book is all you need.

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