Monday, June 7, 2010


This photo shows what I'd like to do to all of the squirrels who are practically raping my bird feeder. They are eating all of the bird food, even though Jim gives them corn. They are very effective at keeping the birds away from their source of food at 1058. Even my cats lounge on the deck, watching as the squirrels get their fill.

They are part of the rodent family, and the only reason everyone thinks they are so cute and cuddly is the tail. You wouldn't catch anyone saying, "Oh, look at that rat on the tree. Isn't he sweet?" Or, "Honey! Don't hit that rat crossing the road."

They are VERMIN and I hate them.

Since Jim won't let me shoot them, I may try to get in touch with Hasbro Security, as shown here. They won't put up with any squirrel nonsense, from the looks of things.

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