Friday, October 4, 2013

Rant today: Hot Buttons Need to Change

First and foremost, let me tell you that I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus as the Christ, the only son of God, who is my Savior and secures my place in Heaven.

With that said, it's time for Evangelical Christians to change their hot buttons: Abortion and Homosexuality. They are getting tired, and you people need a new bag of tricks. Or rather, it would seem, a new subject on which to harp and call people out on their heinous sin.

Let me throw a Bible verse at you: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23. Do you know what that means? That all of those people standing outside abortion clinics with signs, banners and pictures of fetuses are just as sinful as the person walking into the clinic.

Unless you are of the mind that, when you accepted Jesus as your Savior, you no longer sin. If that's the case, you may want to stop reading, because you and I are not going to see eye-to-eye.

Let me explain something about sin: God hates it all. As a matter of fact, here is another Bible verse for you:

Proverbs 6:16-19: "there are six things the Lord hates - no seven things He detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family."

So, you see, God hates liars just as much as he hates the act of abortion. Even more interesting, this verse points out that He hates "eyes", "tongue", "hands", "heart", "feet". However, there are two PEOPLE that He hates: a liar and a person who stirs up trouble in a family. See the difference? He hates the ACT of the first items. He hates the PERSON on the last two. So, if you look at it that way, the liar is actually worse than the person ending her pregnancy.

Tough to swallow, huh?

I am completely against abortion. I think it's murder, unnecessary in a day when birth control is so readily available, and so many woman trying to conceive cannot do so. In my opinion, if you are going to open that gate (i.e. you legs), you need to be ready to tend the sheep (i.e. babies).

However, I do NOT believe it should be illegal. Families need to educate their children at home. This is NOT a subject for the courts. Conservatives want less government until it's one of their agenda items, then they want the government all up into uterus-business. You can't have it both ways. TEACH your kids what you think is correct, and pray to God that they will make the wise decision, when and if it comes. Making abortion illegal is not going to stop it. It will just make it unsafe.

What we need to change is the collective attitude. New attitudes that couples who can't conceive deserve to have children. New attitudes that young girls who get pregnant should carry these treasures to term, and give them up. New attitudes that abortion is NOT a form of birth control. New attitudes that, if you abort your child, you will probably have a deep-seeded guilt for the rest of your life. New attitudes that a pregnancy is not merely an inconvenience for a young person. A new attitude that it's not all about ME, ME, ME. Sometimes you have to make the hard decision; the decision that is going to cost you a little effort. Kids don't like that nowdays, and parents are not helping by making life too easy.

How can we change these attitudes, which have morphed over decades? Let me tell you how you CAN'T do it: you can't do it by knocking them over the head with your self-righteous, lay-person preaching. No one wants to hear that crap. If you want an example by which to follow, I will point you again to the Bible. Jesus embraced the sinners, gently guiding them in a loving way to the right path. Who was he harshest with, yelling and getting physical? The religious right. Go figure. He called you a "pit of vipers". You don't think you are just like the Pharisees, wanting to legislate instead of instruct? You are kidding yourselves and making a mockery of Jesus.

So, I am pro-life, and pro-choice. Next time: Homosexuals have feelings, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree! :)) I also want to share my personal experience to everyone and I hope you will this useful too.
My husband and I tried a long time to have a baby and had been frustrated for a million times then I discovered that getting pregnant is not impossible at all if you get help from the right people. This is not a scam, i just want to share it to all of you. I am happily pregnant now with out first little miracle and I hope you will find this helpful too. Good luck and do not give up!