Thursday, September 5, 2013

Brother? Nope.

What I am wondering today is this: Why do evangelical Christians call men "Brother So-and So"? I never hear them refer to women as "Sister". Why the disparity?

Brother Randy is going to lead the music.

That's Debbie's class.

Brother Matt is in charge of that.

Call Donna about that issue.

See what I mean? It's just unnatural sounding to say, "You need to go to Sister Debbie's class". As a matter of fact, it sounds creepy. Like it's a cult or something.

So, what's up with the "brother" crap?

Catholics are different because they have been doing it for ages. Plus, they call their nuns "mother" and "sister". They are consistent and equal.

For Baptists to do it is kind of pious and pretentious.

"Well, we are all  brothers and sisters in Christ." "We are all adopted heirs of the king".

Then start calling me "Sister Carmen," please.

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