Monday, September 8, 2008

Why are girls so mean?? Current mood: distressed

Hey, teenage girls! I'm talking to YOU.

Why are you all so mean??

If another girl doesn't wear the same clothes as you, has different hair or makeup, lives outside "the" neighborhood, drives a not-too-cool car, doesn't join "the" clubs/sports/ ignore, ridicule, tease, make fun of, talk about...her. What is the matter with you?
Let me tell you something that is TRUE: What comes around goes around and if you are dishing it out, you'd better be sure you can take it. And it is my experience that you will get it back bigger and badder than you gave it, so get ready for a storm.

Don't say you weren't warned.

Now...go be nice to someone.

A note to those who are on the "torturee" side: I promise that high school will be the worst of it. Once you make it out of high school, you are home free.

And don't let the petty, preppy mean girls drive you to consider dropping out or being "home-schooled". You are so much better than that, and that would give them the power over you that they desire.

Once you get to college, they will no longer exist to you. They will be tempered by people who are actually nice, and they will be shocked that people actually like you. Pish-tosh on them all. Hang in there!

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